This policy applies to (US) orders. This policy is intended to ensure that you are well aware of our shipping policies and procedures. By ordering from this store you accept the policy contained herein.
- Shipping
Shipping is free of charge.
- Shipping, processing, ordering time
Generally, shipments take 4 to 6 days to arrive (Monday through Friday). Order cutoff time is 6:00 PM Order processing time is 1 to 2 business days (Monday through Friday).
Shipment from warehouse: Messedamm 94, if this warehouse is out of stock, we will ship from other warehouses.
- Delivery conditions
We ship products using USPS.
4.Change of address
We can no longer change the delivery address during transportation. If you need to change the shipping location for your order, please contact us at within 24 hours of placing your order.
Once your order is shipped, your order will be given a tracking number so that you can track your order before it is delivered to you.
- Cancellation
If you change your mind before you receive your order, we can accept cancellations at any time before the order is shipped. If the order has already been shipped, please see our Refund Policy.
- Packages damaged in transit
If you find that a package has been damaged in transit, if possible, please refuse the package and contact our customer service. If the package arrived without you, please contact customer service for next steps.
There are no duties or customs fees!
Contact us
Phone: 017308909
Address: Messedamm 94
Opening hours:
Monday through Saturday: 9:00 am to 10:00 pm (CST)
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CST)